Fudge and Jelly making in the Rise kitchen

As part of our work at rise we offer training classes to people who have experienced homelessness, it is great to see them grow in confidence and develop their skills in a positive environment.

Recently a group learned how to make fudge and jellies. Jason and William took part in this particular session and as usual our fantastic baker, Simon led the training. Jason was really interested in the science behind fudge and so this became part of the lesson. William is great at remembering each process and is on track to becoming an top baker in no time.

The guys measure out the ingredients 

The guys measure out the ingredients 

When chatting to the guys Jason explained that he misses playing the guitar. Luckily he has been supported in finding new guitar lessons and hopes to start them soon. As-well as the catering training and work with rise bakery Jason also takes IT classes at Providence Row (our parent charity) and he says that these have been really useful in helping him improve his CV and look for future work. Jason is really interested in nutrition and this fuels his interest in cooking however he says that William is a lot better than him in the pastry section because he has naturally cold hands!

Pouring the fudge in to moulds 

Pouring the fudge in to moulds 

On this occasion perhaps we were all chatting too much as the fudge did not go quite as planned. Luckily the jelly worked wonderfully and we have all learnt how to improve our method for next time.

Jason and William working hard

Jason and William working hard